Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Thank you and schedule update

Hello everyone!!

First of all, many thanks for those of you who were able to attend the 4th of July parade and Mt. Carmel!  We couldn't do this without you! 😊   Our next gig is at Holy Redeemer on August 5th-hope to see you there!

Second, there has been a slight change to our schedule this year- San Nicola at St. Rocco's was originally scheduled for Sunday, August 12th at 11:00am.   This has been moved to the following Sunday, August 19th at 1:00pm.  I've updated the schedule page and reminders will be sent via email and in person at Holy Redeemer. 

Everyone rest up their chops-the Feast is less than a month away!  πŸ˜‰
