Friday, June 6, 2014

St. Anthony Procession at Holy Redeemer

Hello everyone!

Our first performance of the summer is this Sunday at Holy Redeemer in Collinwood!  Please arrive by 11:30 am so we can hand out music.  Don't forget your lyres, sunscreen and water!  The forecast is for high 70s and possibly rain, but they will still have the procession if at all possible-so please come to the church even if the weather looks poor. 

As always, please let Jesse know if you can make it!

Jesse included the 2014 schedule in his email.  If you are supposed to be receiving Italian Band emails and are not, please let him know.  (If you wish to be removed from the Italian Band email list-let him know that as well). 

Hope to see you there!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Minor Correction to Mt. Carmel Schedule

Just a quick note-I had the wrong days for Mt. Carmel in the new schedule.  We will be playing on Saturday July 12th and Sunday July 13th-NOT the 13th and the 14th!  My apologies!

Special thanks to Bob for alerting us to the mistake! :)